Mr. Packard

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Lucius L. Hilley writes:
> ROBERT, You maintain this list and I appreciate the service.
> I would like your feelings on what I have said here.
> You maintain this list and if you so wanted to could
> discontinue anyone or the WHOLE list.

I don't maintain this list. John Kinne set it up on his own initiative
and he is the list owner. I can't just click
my mouse and terminate anyone, or the list as a whole.

I greatly appreciate this list as a way for
Euphoria programmers to exchange ideas, code etc.

I would remind people to be careful when directing humour at
someone else. What you consider to be cute, can often be taken
as a vicious personal assault by the recipient. People can't
observe your facial expression, body language, intonation etc.

Mr. Packard has made major contributions to the development and
promotion of Euphoria, as well as writing some nifty games,
and I hope he'll stick around.

I don't mind at all if he posts updates on what he
is doing, even if they seem to be commercial in nature.
On the Net in general, it is considered a provocation worthy of
flaming when someone posts messages designed to make a buck for their
company. Things are different here. This is a small, focussed group.
No one can make much money posting an advertisement to 190 people.
It won't be a persistent problem that we have to be defensive about.

I would welcome anyone who has written a shareware program in Euphoria,
or has something else to sell that is Euphoria-specific,
to tell us about it. As long as someone doesn't post a big advertisement
every day I don't see any harm in it.

Many people are writing and donating code for free,
and we have all benefitted from those people. For some others, like
Michael, and myself, it has become more than a hobby. We actually
need to make some money to sustain our level of effort over the long term.
I'm sure that Michael is working very long hours for very low pay.
He deserves our support.

  Rob Craig
  Rapid Deployment Software

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