WildCard Replacing...

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        I have tried to make a routine that not only matches a wildcard
string, but also allows you to change to values the wildcard symbols
represented. But i guess it was a bit too hard...

        Well, wildcard characters are: ? and * , you have used them before
with the famous dir command in MS(yak) DOS. A '?' stand for one
unknown character, a '*' stands for an unknown amount of unknown

        "Eupho?ia is * cool" = matches with "Euphoria is very cool", but
also with "Euphopia is not cool"

        If you want to make any kind of preproccessor for any kind of
documen, you could use a replace routine like in any language. And
write a special function for every aspect of your preproccessor.
Instead you have made ONE routine wich can replace nomal and wildcard
search strings. The each aspect of the language can be made in a
couple of seconds, just by typing in the 'wildcard search string' and
the 'wildcard replacement string'.

        The user can type in a default wildcard search string as we are used
to. Then he can enter the replacement string, a string wich says how
the matching data should be replaced and where the wildcard's values
should come.

These are the values:

          WildCard Search string : "The language * is *."
          WildCard Replacement string: "@2 is the language @1."

A text like this:

...than Java. The language Euphoria is GREAT. Let that be clear...

Would change to this:

...than Java. GREAT is the language Euphoria. Let that be clear...

        If you see the potential, pleazzee code......
        (I tried)

<....nieuwen at xs4all.nl.....>

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