Re: we need official libs : Swap

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Ralf Nieuwenhuijsen wrote:

>We don't need swap. What we need is the ability is sequence 'unbinding' ..
>Many times, people have asked for things such as:
>{ status, value } = get (0)
>Why does this seem logical ? Because we, humans most of us, can 'unbind'
>things and make the only logical conclusion about the values being assigned
>to the variables.
>I think the above should work, as well as:
>{ a, b } = { b, a }

This makes sense, and might actually be realistically doable. I don't think
this should be considered "assigning to an expression," since the
"expression" consists solely of a list of variables.

>As well as:
> a + 1 = 3
> -- sets a to 2

This only clouds the issue. Assigning values to an expression in this manner
would be horrendously complicated, if it's even possible. For example,
please explain how the following should be handled, and what the results
would be:

sin(a) = .5
a + b - c * d / e = 144
sqrt(a) - cos(b) = 17
floor(c) = 3.4
{b/3, h*{3,x}} = c * 4

>Surely, situations like this can be confusing:

[Winner of the Understatement Of The Year Award, 1999]

Be seeing you,
   Gabriel Boehme

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