Re: Win32lib errors

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Nuno Barros wrote:

> Your library is awesome but unfortunly  some fundamental
> GDI functions to display bitmaps aren't yet implemented so
> I can't program in Euphoria for now... :(

As I mentioned, Win32Lib is being overhauled, so it might be a while before
I start adding new functions.


It's *not* that hard to add your own calls to the GDI! Wrappers for Win32
functions are pretty easy to write. You can use the Win32Lib routines
getDC/releaseDC and getHandle to get the DC and handle (hWnd) of windows. If
you know what you are missing, they should not be that difficult to add. You
can probably build your own include file to add the functions.

> The reason I write is because a bug when I run some win32
> programs (not in your demos)... Sometimes the compiler gets
> stuck in the reverse function... If I delete that function
> from your library that programs run...

Do you have the most current version? This is a name conflict with Euphoria
2.1, which has reverse() as a native function. The current version is
supposed to have renamed reverse() to Reverse() to avoid the name conflict.
I'll check it out.


-- David Cuny

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