Re: cementing relations (and RPG making)

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G'day from snowy Canada, Roderick!

Thought I'd drop you a line, considering that your topic
on the Euphoria list about RPG making interested me. I had
actually been thinking of a similar project for the last little
while, and have been working on drafting (on paper) my plans
for it. Basically, here's what I've got planned, if you're interested.

* everything is driven by two things -- maps and objects. Both
  can be user-defined using beautiful (Euphoria) code to give
  the user more flexibility over game control

* everything that objects do is defined by object code. There
  are built-in variables to test the object's state (i.e. touched,
  trapped, hit, etc.)

* maps themselves can contain object code in their headers

* all object code libraries are standard .e code, making for easy
  addition of new functions / features

* and, for the grand finale, _it's all text-driven_. Maps are
  sequences, object code is text, and the final product is a 'script'
  to the game with accompanying graphics/sound which is run by an
  engine. A text-based approach allows the following:

        1) more than one interpreter can run the same code (possible
           portability, if others wanted to run it in other langs)
        2) more flexibility and control for the end-user/creator by
           allowing them to fully command the object code
        3) editors can be made to graphically edit maps, object code,
           etc. If you _only_ have a graphical editor, code editing
           and detailed changed get very hard very quickly.

Anyway, I've been incredibly busy with school lately (working on
Computer Science projects [unfortunately in QBasic, which we've been
running sans help-menu because either our teacher doesn't want to
install it or doesn't know how. I'm hoping it's the former.]) and
have kept it in the planning stages. Hope this at least gives you
some good ideas, and if others are interested, drop me a line.

Chris Cox at

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