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-> What is a dynamic link library?
there are two main types:

1) - the Microsoft DLL

The main difference is size. Microsoft want everybody to have 9gig hard
drives, so they make each DLL at least 20megs (they fill it with heeps
of wierd garbage that's meant to look like important info) and then they
make each one a required windows file, instead of having 1 6meg one.
Each Microsoft DLL is designed to interfear with a non-microsoft DLL so
it will crash, and therefore not make it look like only microsoft
products crash.

2) - the non-Microsoft DLL

A non-microsoft DLL is generally small, fast, and never crashes except
when the mcrosoft DLL's interfear with it. It's only downside is that
if it's stored in with the microsoft DLL's it soon catches the disease,
and swells to around the 20meg mark, and always remains long after the
rest of the programme has been removed. Should it happen to be deleted,
Windows will come up with a nasty error message asking for it.

As you can see, DLL should stand for Damn Long Lasting.

Hope that has enlightened you a bit :)

Mike Fowler - mike.fowler at nelsun.gen.nz
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