Re: EUGrid and trapping lostFocus event

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Tony Steward wrote:
> Hi Phil or anyone who can help,
> I know EUGrid traps most events its self but I do not see a lost focus 
> event.
> If I use win32lib's on lostFocus, it is triggered when the grid looses 
> focus but, it is also triggered when I click on a different cell in the 
> grid.
> I need to run a procedure when a grid truely looses focus.
> -- 
> Regards
> Tony Steward
> <a
> href=""></a>

Hi Tony,

This is difficult to solve cleanly at the moment because EuGrid has a number of
internal windows which are not registered with win32lib.  I have come up with a
workaround which involves a) recording whenever the grid gets the focus
and b) checking if any other window subsequently gets the focus.

Here is an example:

-- Grid lost-focus sample for Tony Steward
-- Phil Russell May 2005

without warning

include win32lib.ew
include	eugrid.ew

atom		void
integer		Grid, colEditable, colName, colDOB, colPhone
integer		grid_has_focus grid_has_focus=0

constant GridData =
	{ 0, "Nobby Wombat",	"23-04-66",	"01273 772244"		},
	{ 0, "Benny Bear", 		"01-05-77", "0181 123456"		},
	{ 0, "Carl Cat", 		"22-07-92", "01273 665544"		},
	{ 0, "Winnie Wallaby",	"20-05-54", "0208 6772555"		},
	{ 0, "Sid Snake", 		"17-09-01", "01273 998877"		},
	{ 0, "Fred Frog", 		"05-12-95", "01273 010101"		},
	{ 0, "Steve Sheep", 	"17-09-01", "01273 498857"		},
	{ 0, "Dennis Dog", 		"12-09-55", "01273 999999"		},
	{ 0, "Bjorn Badger", 	"02-11-88", "09191 224455"		},
	{ 0, "Pete Platypus",	"02-02-77", "0208 1996678"		},
	{ 0, "Velma Vole", 		"10-09-43", "01273 121212"		},
	{ 0, "Eric Bison", 		"17-12-66", "01273 202020"		},
	{ 0, "Percy Pig", 		"23-09-49", "01273 554433"		},
	{ 0, "Bill Beetle", 	"13-10-84", "01203 191919"		}

-- Windows
constant MainWin = create( Window, "EuGrid Demo", 0, 50, 50, 480, 400, 0 )
constant Edit1 = create( EditText, "Edit1", MainWin, 10, 325, 50, 20, 0)
constant Edit2 = create( EditText, "Edit2", MainWin, 60, 325, 50, 20, 0)
-- Define grid window
-- Create grid, create parms=(parent, x, y, width, height, show_window)
Grid = EGW_CreateGrid( MainWin, 10, 15, 450, 300, EGW_True )

-- Name column
colName	 = EGW_AddColumn( Grid, "Name", 100, EGW_LAST, EGW_EDIT, 2 )

-- Date of Birth column
colDOB = EGW_AddColumn( Grid, "DOB", 50, EGW_LAST, EGW_EDIT, 3 )
void   = EGW_SetColumnProperty( Grid, colDOB, EGW_COL_ALIGN, EGW_RIGHT )

-- Phone Number column
colPhone = EGW_AddColumn( Grid, "Phone", 100, EGW_LAST, EGW_EDIT, 4 )
void 	 = EGW_SetColumnProperty( Grid, colPhone, EGW_COL_ALIGN, EGW_CENTER )

-- Load dataset into grid
void = EGW_LoadData( Grid, GridData, EGW_REPLACE )

-- ***Set initial focus to grid
-- ***Record the fact

-- Grid message handler
procedure Grid_onGotFocus (integer self, integer event, sequence params) 
end procedure
setHandler( Grid, w32HGotFocus, routine_id("Grid_onGotFocus"))
-- Other windows message handler
procedure OtherWin_onGotFocus (integer self, integer event, sequence params) 
	if grid_has_focus=1 then
		printf(1, "the grid lost the focus\n", {})
	end if	
end procedure

-- ***Add all other windows on form to handler list
setHandler( {Edit1,Edit2}, w32HGotFocus, routine_id("OtherWin_onGotFocus"))

-- Open main window
WinMain( MainWin, Normal  )

Hopefully this will help. The important bits are the two procedures and the
marked with ***.

A caveat:  it's late here and I've just got back from the pub - treat with

I will be away for the next week - let me know if you still have a problem
and I will have another look when I get back.



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