project IDE

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andy/mike wrote:
>2>a 'project' based ide of some sort for Euph...
>I'm not sure what you are asking for, but it seems like the editor
>should present a list of *.e files and you just select which *.e
>you use and they are included automatically... right?
not sure what i'm asking for either :)
see the includes would be just a part of the 'modules'
but the modules would also have code to implement the
routines in the includes, such as code to init...
the modules would be like a wrapper for includes, but also
would have templates for various projects in coding as
well. projects are like a bunch of seperate programs
tied together. modules are bunches of includes and code
that ties the includes together. a module might
be a full word processor, or windowed fileI/O with buttons
and file picker trees, or a database program, or
network connectivity.  a project is an application
that uses a bunch of these modules together. say your're
writing a MUD in windows. you would need the WordProc module
for the chat and for the notes posting, the fileIO for
saving/loading playerfiles, the tcpip module to negotiate
the currently playing player sockets, the database module
to contain the MUD data (rooms, areas, objects, NPC's...)
all of the things like window handles, socket addresses,
dialog controls...etc are thereby out of sight, out of mind,
freeing the coder to make the game, not worry about
uhhhh do i need the winsock.dll or wsock32.dll, uhhhh
which routines in ctrl3d.dll do i need to give routine_id's
to, uhhhh how do i make that window modal again, uhhhh
how do i call directX again?
overglorified toolboxes, another level higher in
high-level language, whatever... point being Euphoria
is supposedly an easy to use language, and for DOS
(with the proper toolboxes) it is...let's go further.

take care--Hawke'

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