coding ideas

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someone (andy?) posted they wanted coding ideas that
might earn votes...if i coulda remembered who i probably
would have sent this direct... then i thought about it,
and figured more than two minds might be better than 2.

1> Automatic HTML page _creator_
scenario: web master
I'm getting ready to undertake an enormous project, namely, the
creation of a very large web site.
I have found large quantities of programs that will go through
existing HTML documents, finding and replacing text.  Well,
that's great for certain things, most especially if the pages
are *already* created.
What I need is to define a template for my web site... a common
look and feel throughout... then, in another file, a list
of the topics/sub topics in index type format... and finally,
the entire batch of HTML files and directories/subDIR's
created based upon those themes/topics. Also, while creating
these files, use the template.html but replace the word
template in the filename, and within the document, with the
topic/sub topic and match the directories as well. A really
nice pro-bono would be automatic link generation as well,
to link topic pages to sub topics, and of course, those
links created would be based on a sub template as well...
default surrounding link code (like bullets for ex.) would
be updated on main topic pages to allow navigation to
sub topics...sub topics to subsub..etc

i want to create a site dealing with euphoria.

DOS-file utilities
DOS-mouse utilities
DOS-hardware interfacing
DOS-ASM & Machine Language
WIN95-DLL support
WIN95-file util(long file name)
WIN95-HW interfacing

so i need DOS.html & WIN95.html then i need \DOS and \Win95
created with tutor.html, file.html, mouse.html...etc
all created under \DOS and dll.html, gui.html, file.html...etc
under \WIN95.  what would be nice is in DOS.html
that links to tutor.html, file.html... are put in with
a template mechanism as well:

<IMG SRC="littleblueball.gif" HEIGHT=12 WIDTH=12>
<B> <A HREF="replacethis.html">replacethis</A></B>

so the link to dll.html would then read
<IMG SRC="littleblueball.gif" HEIGHT=12 WIDTH=12>
<B> <A HREF="\dos\dll.html">DLL</A></B>

(just a rough example....)
for the number of themes i gave above, no it's not practical...
I'm a lofty web master, and you're a big company and this
site is going to be hundreds and hundreds of pages and links...
ever been to yahoo?

2>a 'project' based ide of some sort for Euph...
perhaps even actually generating pre optimized code for
certain often used tasks... we could then upload modules
to each other to expand this project maker... this would
be akin to OCX or ActiveX or VB etc. etc. etc. adnauseum
you would then just highlight a module name and it's shoved
into your code, replete with necessary includes...
i used to have laying around a winC++ variant for win
that did this...took about 11 seconds to create a program
that popped up a window with text, with 9 of those seconds
being the typing of the text to display...I know that
wrappers/gui thingy's are being created for win95...kudos
to those making them...they are still -hard- to use...
I want to be able to save/load files, longfilename support
included, userchoosen directory click on
that module and its in my code... i want IPX support, click
on the ipx module and i can then simply
sendipx("you're gonna die...*cackle*")
seq data
is this project ide far off, unattainable? nope....
we have all the tools already.

3>an easy to use IPX & TCPIP include file for DOS and
WIN Euph. sockets and base octal give me migraines :)
somewhere is a IPX for BASIC file...i had it, someone
here sent it to me...lost it in latest win95 reinstall...
(how many of those have each of you done??? ;)
and someone... jesus is it?... is working on tcpip
for win95 (ftp i think?)... well all this work would
fit well into #2...

enuff 4 now...don't think too hard--Hawke'

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