OFF: Fast CPUs and Runtime Error 200

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Because Euphoria DOS32 is one of the few apps that makes a big deal out o=
its abaility to work with DOS, while the trend is going away from DOS, I
assume there are a disproportionately high number of DOS users on this
list.  But, I'm sure that all of us DOS users will, at some time, realize=

that the DOS only machine has outlived its time, like I did.

Well, have you upgraded to a fast CPU and found that some programs
(particularly older DOS programs) don't work?  Or, they might give you a
runtime error 200

Well, particularly for the latter, there is a definite cause and solution=
=2E =

The cause is that your processor, believe it or not, is too fast for your=

program!  Yes, it is true.  There is a program called Mo'Slo (which I can=

send you privately) which allows you to run a program at a given percenta=
of your processor speed.  You will need to test different values, but thi=
=2ECOM utility (the .ZIP file is less than 4k) is remarkably simple to us=
e. =

(Its one of the few programs whose doc file is six times larger than the
one program file.)


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