Re: Jobs?

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At 10:30 PM 6/12/98 +-900, Michael J. Sabal wrote:
>This question isn't directly related to Euphoria, so let me apologize.
There are many Euphorians that write custom programs for clients (privately,
from what I've gathered from the comments here.  Forgive me if I've
misinterpreted).  How do you get into that kind of business.  I've been
trying off and on to get a job as a programmer since before I finished
college.  But I keep getting turned down because of a lack of corporate
experience, which I can't get because I don't have it, and on and on.  Any
recommendations?  I'd love to use Euphoria all day long and get paid for it,
but that doesn't seem to be very realistic in the near future.
Likewise, I apologize for the longish reply which follows,
but it may be of interest to some on this list....

Your chances of using Euphoria on the job are slim at
this point. That's the bad news. The good news is there are
a number of ways to get into programming. I can only tell you
about the ones I know:

First, your success depends partly on where you are. Some areas
are more desperate for programmers than others.

Desperate employers will train someone who shows programming
ability. Go to microsoft's web site, look for Skills2000,
and take their aptitude test. They have suggestions for
getting free on-the-job training, as well.

Secondly, non-programming experience can be far more valuable
than programming experience. If you know how a job *should* be
done, it's not too hard to learn enough programming to implement
those methods. On the other hand, if you don't know how a job
should be done, the neatest, most structured, carefully debugged
code ever written isn't likely to be of any use. Leverage off
the experience you DO have.

Third - start small. The big software firms (where hiring is
done by "human resources" people) are a waste of time. These
folks are not trying to hire the best workers. They are busy
covering their rear ends. They won't take chances on
anybody. Besides, do you really want to sweat away your life
in a tiny windowless cubicle?

Try instead to get small jobs for small firms. Install new
computers/software. Pull network cables. Install printers,
train employees. Set up a web site. Consult on upgrades.
Do anything computer related, and CHARGE BY THE HOUR.
The customer will feel better about the deal - if he/she
isn't satisfied, they can pay you and show you the door.
Do a good job, and you will get regular work, as well as

Forth - learn the buzz words. Read all the magazines and
books you can find. Learn that RAID isn't bug spray. Use
terms like ODBC, SQL, POWERBUILDER, and ORACLE in your everyday language.
Know enough to ask a pertinent question (even if you
have no idea what to do with the answer). Think database. Think network

Fifth - get out of town. In my part of the US, businesses that
happen to be more than about 1 hour's drive from a large city
can not get computer help. Consultants just aren't interested;
don't want to bother. Personally, I find that money from these businesses
spends just as well as city money.

By the way: I took a poll once while I was an employee of a large firm. Only
1 out of 10 people had *ever* gotten a desirable job
by the application/resume' route. It's not what you know, but
who you know. I have gotten very profitable work just by joining
computer users' groups. You meet people, make contacts, and
pretty soon you have people asking for your help.

Help-wanted ads: Read them, but realize that, in the US at least, a large
percentage of these ads are run strictly to avoid legal troubles.
For example: I have decided to hire my nephew Louie, but to cover
my rear end, I will run an ad, interview a few people, and decide
that Louie is the best qualified for the job. See, everything
was done properly and according to the law!

Regards, and good luck.


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