RE : Profane

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>>Your posts are becoming increasingly profane.
>>It is simply unnesessary and detracts from the
>>credability of your views.
>Yes, I did need to look that word up.
>Did I really sound unfriendly ? I didn't mean to.
>I always thought you people got offended by me, because I don't much of the
>'context' that words are placed in. Some words don't have a direct negative
>meaning, but are interpretered like that, because they are often used for
>that purpose. I will state once more that I really don't mean stuff

The word "profane" refers to swearing, Ralf.

These are words that *DO* have a direct negative meaning,
regardless of their context. If you are not sure what I'm
refering to, I'll be happy to send you a list of profane
words by private mail (in context).

>You shouldn't have placed such a personal message on the list-serv

My message related directly to what is and isn't acceptable
in a public forum. Your "aw gee but I'm only a 16 year old"
excuse is simply not acceptable. You are obviously intelligent
enough to grasp the concept, and as a long time and consistant
contributor to the list you are setting a bad example to your

If you really don't want to be unfriendly, start by not
telling others on the list their hard work is rubbish (or worse).
This is offensive with or without the profanity.

As you are writing *yet another* "sorry I don't mean to
be offensive" letter, do you ever stop and think "Maybe
it's me?"

Honestly, Ralf, you have a lot of good ideas to contribute
but the way that you do it can be very off-putting.


"Never say in 100 words what you can say in 10"


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