Re: Wish List Item

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Mike Sabal wrote:

> how about xor_bitmap?

I considered asking for that, but I have the impression that Robert would be
hard-pressed to make a native version of xor_bitmap significantly faster
than the 'pure' version.

He's mentioned before that he's just using the graphics library that's
supplied with the Watcom compiler, and not 'hand-rolling' his own code here.
The odds are pretty good that xor_line and xor_poly are part of that
library, and he simply decided not to wrap them. So adding these *should* be
fairly cheap.

On the other hand, I doubt that there's a close match to an xor_bitmap
routine. In high level, it looks something like this:

   for each scanline in the bitmap do
      pixel( xor( get_pixel( scanline from screen ), scanline from bitmap )
   end for

He's said a couple of times that pixel and get_pixel are about as efficient
as they can get. So I doubt that even if he created a 'native' version of
xor_bitmap that it would run much faster than the high-level version.

Then again, I could be entirely wrong.

-- David Cuny

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