Re: Euphoria Archive rescue mission

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In 2001-2003, i downloaded several people's personal websites, such as Jiri's entire mass of code, several versions of Bach/Bliss, a lot of David Cuny's code. Later, when i wanted to index the entire archive, to be word-searchable, i downloaded the entire archive, indexed it word by word, and wrote the search code to interface to irc.

I don't know where the large database is now, i may have deleted it. I have found 15,763 files in 1806 folders. But since i concentrated on windows and dos, and OE doesn't suppport either any more, it's rather useless.

I should have the olde email list archived somewhere too, so i'll have those code snippets, but like the index project, i am unsure, and don't know where it is.

EDIT: From irc logs, looks like the total download for the index project would have happened June 2008. In July 2008 Tiggr was answering questions about the contents of the RDS archive on irc.

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