Re: Optimizing multiple searches

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Not impressed when looking at the manual... said...
public function match_all(sequence needle, sequence haystack, integer start = 1)
Match all items of haystack in needle.

Is it me or is that just completely backwards? It should perhaps say:
Locate all instances(/subsequences) of needle in haystack.

The example from the above link may clarify my wording change for the manual, but also shows that match_all() is not at all what is need for the task as asked for above:

s = match_all("the", "the dog chased the cat under the table.") 
-- s is {1,16,30} 

Anyway, going back to the original question, here's my suggestion

sequence lines = {  
    "this is first line",  
    "second line",  
    "another line",  
    "and this is another line- will be fourth",  
    "and last line"  
sequence terms = {"line", "will", "this"}  
function match_alls(sequence terms, sequence lines) 
integer k = 0 
    for i=1 to length(lines) do 
        for j=1 to length(terms) do 
            if match(terms[j],lines[i])=0 then exit end if 
            if j=length(terms) then 
                k += 1 
                lines[k] = lines[i] 
            end if 
        end for 
    end for 
    return lines[1..k] 
end function 


{"and this is another line- will be fourth"} 
(you may want to use display() instead of ?)

To get Spock's suggestion to work as I thought it should, and match my output, I had to change

   if match_any(terms, lines[i]) = length(terms) then  


   if length(match_any(terms, lines[i])) = length(terms) then  


PS: Spock asked some questions that need answering (I would have kept schtum were it not for the manual thing)

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