Re: Converting bytes

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doncCcole said...

Could you repost your code in the 3.1 form?

It is not that complicated to convert Eu 4 code. Here it is:

include get.e 
-- format types 
constant FORMAT_SI = 1000 
constant FORMAT_BN = 1024 
-- format suffixes 
constant SUFFIX = {"bytes","K","M","G","T","P","E","Z","Y"} 
function format_size( atom size, integer ftype ) 
  integer index 
  sequence suffix 
  index = 1 
  while size >= ftype do -- ftype is 1000 or 1024 
    size /= ftype 
    index += 1 
  end while 
  suffix = SUFFIX[index] 
  if index > 1 then 
    if ( ftype = FORMAT_BN ) then 
      suffix &= "iB" 
      suffix &= "B" 
    end if 
  end if 
  return sprintf( "%.3g %s", {size,suffix} ) 
end function 
procedure test( atom size ) 
  sequence str1, str2 
  str1 = format_size( size, FORMAT_SI ) 
  str2 = format_size( size, FORMAT_BN ) 
  printf( 1, "%10d %10s %10s\n", {size,str1,str2} ) 
end procedure 
procedure main() 
  integer ok 
  ------------------  -- | SI units | Binary  | 
  test(          0 )  -- |  0 bytes |   0 bytes | 
  test(      10000 )  -- |  10 KB |  9.77 KiB | 
  test(      65536 )  -- |  65.5 KB |  64 KiB | 
  test(   10000000 )  -- |  10 MB |  9.54 MiB | 
  test(   16777216 )  -- |  16.8 MB |  16 MiB | 
  test( 1000000000 )  -- |   1 GB |   954 MiB | 
  test( 1073741824 )  -- |  1.07 GB |   1 GiB | 
  ok = wait_key() 
end procedure 


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