Allegro Wrapper Help

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I am trying to make a wrapper example of the keyboard example that is found on the Allegro 5 API wiki. I think I have the code right, but it is not working correctly. Anyone help and notice if I'm doing something wrong?

without warning 
include std/machine.e 
include EuAllegro.ew 
atom ret = al_install_system(ALLEGRO_VERSION_INT,0) 
atom display = 0 
atom event = 0 
atom key = 0 
display = al_create_display(800,600) 
event = al_create_event_queue() 
key = al_install_keyboard() 
atom run = 1 
--program should end when ESC is pressed, but it does not happen 
while run = 1 do 
	if key = ALLEGRO_KEY_ESCAPE then 
		run = 0 
	end if 
end while -The link to the keyboard example

Any help is appericated.

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