Re: New and having problems

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  • I tried to run you Ruby code, but with no luck.
  • I compiled Ruby

$ ruby -v 
ruby 2.3.1p112 (2016-04-26 revision 54768) [i686-linux] 

  • result of running tux.rb

$ ./tux.rb 
./tux.rb:59:in `<main>': undefined method `[]=' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError) 

Looking at your code, and trying some Euphoria code.

  • file PklgMgrs.rb

This looks like database. The identifiers with a prefixed $ are global in scope.

The def is declaring a routine (procedure in this example).

I often nest stuff like this into one sequence.

#!/usr/bin/env ruby 
#Add your package managers here 
#command binding methods for different package managers 
def dnf() 
  $installCmd = "dnf install" 
  $reinstallCmd = "dnf reinstall" 
  $searchCmd = "dnf search" 
  $updateCmd = "dnf upgrade" 
  $syncCmd = "dnf --refresh check-update" 
  $syncANDupdateCmd = "dnf --refresh upgrade" 
  $refreshSyncCmd = "dnf --refresh check-update" 
  $removeCmd = "dnf remove" 
  $recursiveRemoveCmd = "dnf remove" 
  $checkUpdatesCmd = "dnf check-update" 
  $cleanCmd = "dnf autoremove" 
def yum() 
  $installCmd = "yum install" 
  $reinstallCmd = "yum reinstall" 
  $searchCmd = "yum search" 
  $updateCmd = "yum update" 
  $syncCmd = "yum check-update" 
  $syncANDupdateCmd = "yum check-update; yum update" 
  $refreshSyncCmd = "yum check-update" 
  $removeCmd = "yum remove" 
  $recursiveRemoveCmd = "yum remove" 
  $checkUpdatesCmd = "yum check-update" 
  $cleanCmd = "yum autoremove" 
def pacman() 
  $installCmd = "pacman -S" 
  $reinstallCmd = "pacman -S --force" 
  $searchCmd = "pacman -Ss" 
  $updateCmd = "pacman -Su" 
  $syncCmd = "pacman -Sy" 
  $syncANDupdateCmd = "pacman -Syu" 
  $refreshSyncCmd = "pacman -Syy" 
  $removeCmd = "pacman -R" 
  $recursiveRemoveCmd = "pacman -Rdd" 
  $checkUpdatesCmd = "checkupdates" 
  $cleanCmd = "pacman -Rsn $(pacman -Qdtq)" 
def apt_get() 
  $installCmd = "apt install" 
  $reinstallCmd = "apt install --reinstall" 
  $searchCmd = "apt search" 
  $updateCmd = "apt upgrade" 
  $syncCmd = "apt update" 
  $syncANDupdateCmd = "apt update; sudo apt upgrade" 
  $refreshSyncCmd = "apt  update" 
  $removeCmd = "apt  remove" 
  $recursiveRemoveCmd = "apt remove --purge" 
  $cleanCmd = "apt autoremove" 
def xbps_install() 
  $installCmd = "xbps-install" 
  $reinstallCmd = "xbps-install -f" 
  $searchCmd = "xbps-query -Rs" 
  $updateCmd = "xbps-install -u" 
  $syncCmd = "xbps-install -S" 
  $syncANDupdateCmd = "xbps-install -Su" 
  $refreshSyncCmd = "xbps-install -f -S" 
  $removeCmd = "xbps-remove" 
  $recursiveRemoveCmd = "xbps-remove -f" 
  $cleanCmd = "xbps-remove -O" 
def equo() 

In Euphoria sequences can be used in a variety of ways:

export enum 
    -- I assume the same commands in the same order for all package managers 
    -- you get a list of constants numbered starting with value one 
    -- ( no need to capitalize a constant like in Ruby ) 
    -- ( no need to use all caps as is the convention for some languages.) 
export sequence managers = { 
{ "dnf", -- fedoraBased 
  {"dnf install", 
   "dnf reinstall", 
   "dnf search", 
  "dnf upgrade", 
  "dnf --refresh check-update", 
  "dnf --refresh upgrade", 
  "dnf --refresh check-update", 
  "dnf remove", 
  "dnf remove", 
  "dnf check-update", 
  "dnf autoremove", 
    -- add more as needed 
{ "apt_get", 
    { "apt install" 
      "apt install --reinstall" 
      "apt search" 
      "apt upgrade" 
      "apt update" 
      "apt update; sudo apt upgrade" 
      "apt  update" 
      "apt  remove" 
      "apt remove --purge" 
      "apt autoremove" 
{ "$sabayon="equo", -- saybayon 
    { "equo i" 
     "equo i" 
    "equo s" 
    "equo u" 
    "equo up" 
    "equo up && sudo equo u" 
    "equo update --force" 
    "equo rm" 
    "equo rm --norecursive" 
    "equo cleanup" 
},            -- all items followed by , if you use $ end marker 
$ } 
-- the $ end marker lets you update a list easily 
-- the comment line double dash can go anywhere to the right of code 
-- now the database is in an isolated scope 
-- rather than make variables global, you "export" them to just the file 
-- that includes this database (result is in less name pollution.) 
-- you can name this file PkgMgrs.e 
-- the .e extension suggests that it is to be used as an include file 
-- (but, the extension is optional, or could be anything you choose) 
-- you execute "$ eui PkmMgrs.e" to test for typos 
-- again, the .e extension is not important 
-- every file that wants access to this database will include this file 
-- instead of making everything global 
  • which.rb
#!/usr/bin/env ruby 
# Cross-platform way of finding an executable in the $PATH. 
#   which('ruby') #=> /usr/bin/ruby 
def which(cmd) 
  exts = ENV['PATHEXT'] ? ENV['PATHEXT'].split(';') : [''] 
  ENV['PATH'].split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR).each do |path| 
    exts.each { |ext| 
      exe = File.join(path, "#{cmd}#{ext}") 
      return exe if File.executable?(exe) && ! 
  return nil 

Not going to try an figure out this Ruby code; instead just copied your code snippet.

using your first example

include std/filesys.e
include std/io.e 
include std/console.e 
include PkgMgrs.ex 
export function PkIterate() 
    object packmgr = 0 
    for i=1 to length(managers) do 
       packmgr = locate_file( managers[i][1] ) 
       if file_exists(packmgr) then 
           return packmgr 
       end if 
    end for 
    return 0 
end function 
-- test this function 
-- this file is intended to be an include file so it has no executable code 
-- however, I often tack on a few test lines to evaluate the routines 
-- then comment out when debugging is finished 
    -- to test this code 
    -- remove the /* */ multiline comments 
    -- $ eui which.e 
    object pkmgr = PkIterate() 
    if atom( pkmgr ) then 
        display( "\n no manager found" ) 
        display( "\nfound " &    PkIterate() ) 
    end if 
    -- ok, this found apt-get on my Mint Linux 

Now re-write this to use the suggestion by Irv Mullins:

-- use Irv Mullin's idea 
-- use file_type to evaluate your return value 
include std/filesys.e 
include std/io.e 
include std/console.e 
include PkgMgrs.ex 
export function PkIterate() 
    for i=1 to length( managers ) do 
        sequence pkmgr =  locate_file( managers[i][1] ) 
        if file_type( pkmgr ) = 1 then 
            return i 
        end if 
    end for 
    return 0 
end function 
-- test this function 
-- this file is intended to be an include file, so it has no executable code 
-- however, I often tack on a few test lines to evaluate the routines 
-- then comment out when debugging is finished 
    object test = PkIterate() 
    display( test ) 
    display( managers[test][1] ) 
    -- ok, apt-get is on my Mint Linux 

Often we just remember that zero means false and not zero means true. Code is easier to understand if you define

constant FALSE = 0 
constant TRUE = 1 

(Usually too lazy to do this...)

This leaves you main file to decode. No time for this now.

The database file may require a re-write after I understand your main file. But, that is part of program development.


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