euphoria.pdf help file viewing

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I have enjoyed viewing the euphoria.pdf file using "evince", the Ubuntu default pdf viewer. It seems that the pdf help document can make some information more easily accessible than the straight *.html documentation which seems to excel at providing specific keyword information much faster using the WEE editor. It is a simple matter to add a menu option to display the euphoria.pdf file with evince. It was also very easy to configure evince to search for a word when there is no Gtk help, no html article and no routine declaration to view. Here is a simple of simple command line program that might be helpful.

--  EuPDFhelp.e 
include std/console.e 
include std/text.e 
include std/filesys.e 
constant pdf_reader = "evince"  -- adjust for your system or preference 
constant eui = "eui" 
global procedure getpdfhelp(sequence topic = "") 
sequence help 
    help = locate_file( eui, getenv("PATH") ) 
    help = help[1..length(help)-(length(eui)+4)] & "docs" &SLASH& "euphoria.pdf" 
system_exec(pdf_reader &" "& help & " -l "& topic)  
end procedure 

WEE users can include EuPDFhelp.e just before the procedure view_declaration() in the file wee.exw and then add the following "else" clause toward the end of view_declaration:

if equal(decls[i][1], word) then 
                  goto_pos(decls[i][2], length(word)) 
            else  ---<                  
                  -- no declaration, search PDF help file  ---< 
            end if 
--  EuPDFhelp.ex 
--  command line front end EuPDFhelp.ex 
include EuPDFhelp.e 
include std/text.e 
include std/console.e 
sequence cl 
cl = command_line() 
if length(cl) >= 3 then 
cl = cl[3] 
    cl = prompt_string("Enter search topic: ") 
end if 
cl = trim(cl) 
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