Re: UI Committee Round 2

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petelomax said...

What I would expect to see next are some zip files intended to be tested on clean images with no prior eu/iup/tee: Assuming that a missing iup.e gives a clear enough message, copy the files one at a time to where they should be and ensure you get equally informative messages when things cannot be found. In other words the zips are beta tests of what will actually be bundled with Eu.

This is a required step in the process but why would you expect this to be the next step in the process? There is no question as to whether or not we can create error messages. Anyone with a corkscrew, a bottle of wine, and a several of hours of time can build VMs and create these informative messages. I volunteer to do this personally (for Linux 32/64 and Raspberry Pi) if the task becomes part of a milestone for the UI project. This is not the unknown here.

petelomax said...

Detailed instructions on the whole package/ship/install process for finished apps on each platform might also help, as a solution that does not involve pre-installing Eu+bundle is required...

This however, is a little closer to the next step in the process, but still not the next step. The obvious unknown with regards to IUP is whether or not anyone in the community has the Time, Talent, and Tech to make this happen on a Mac. All three T's are required. What we know is that there are some google searches that result in the claim that IUP can be made to work on Mac. That makes IUP a theoretical option on the Mac. Whether or not we can do it has yet to be seen. Without a "zip" file like the others Greg has provided, it's still just theory. We can't provide instructions for a solution that doesn't yet exist.

petelomax said...

... plus it is the same thing: whatever is needed for the Eu+bundle is identical to or a superset of app+bundle.

Possibly true, but again there is no way of knowing that. Why? Because there is no focal point for the project. Aka no stated goals. The probing questions I've been asking are intended to bring some sort of clarity to what success looks like and to illuminate some of the roads to get there. The above statement sounds more like 2 potential requirements for the project rather than an absolute fact.

Potential Requrements:

  • Solution should not involve pre-installing Eu+bundle
  • Solution should be identical to the way OE handles the problem

Thank you. I've captured these 2 potential requirements in a document entitled "Community Objectives".

petelomax said...

Detailed instructions on the whole package/ship/install process for finished apps on each platform ...

  • We can't build detailed instructions until we have a solution that works on all supported platforms.
  • We can't implement a solution until we've identified the problem and set goals
  • We can't design a solution until we've established requirements
  • We can't have requirements until we've answered some of these probing questions

"Even a blind squirrel gets a nut every once in a while." With that quote in mind I acknowledge the fact that it is possible to eventually meander and stumble our way to a successful project. But I think the squirrel would reach that nut a little faster if he could foresee obstacles and focus on his goal. We would too.


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