Re: Attn: jmduro xml_parser

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Here are some explanations for the functions in xml_parser.e:

global function findRecord(sequence sht, integer fld, object seqVal) 
-- lists records from sheet sht with value seqVal in field fld 
global function convertHtml(sequence buf) 
-- converts HTML code to ASCII 
procedure push(sequence s) 
-- pushes a sequence in the tags LIFO stack (Last In First Out) 
function pop() 
-- pops a sequence from the tags LIFO stack 
function at(integer i) 
-- returns sequence at position i in the tags LIFO stack 
global function tagPath() 
-- returns the path of the current tag 
-- ie a sequence containing the tag with all its parent tags 
-- separated by a slash 
global procedure showBuffer(integer i) 
-- show max 60 characters of the buffer starting at position i 
global function removeEol(sequence s) 
-- removes all end of lines from sequence 
function getDelimitedText(sequence delimiter) 
-- returns text from current position up to next delimiter 
global function scanTag() 
-- scans the XML buffer to extract tags in a sequence 
-- said in other words: converts xml to a sequence 
global function searchElement(sequence x, sequence variable, sequence elt) 
-- sequence x is the result of scanTag, the analysis of an XML sequence 
-- returns the first element of x in part of the sequence path defined by variable 
-- that matches elt 
--  if variable is {1,2,3} then search elt in x[1][2][3] 
global procedure searchAllElements(sequence x, sequence variable, sequence elt) 
-- sequence x is the result of scanTag, the analysis of an XML sequence 
-- returns all elements of x in part of the sequence path defined by variable 
-- that matches elt 
--  if variable is {1,2,3} then search elt in x[1][2][3] 
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