Re: better flatten()?

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ghaberek said...

I noticed that flatten2() does not seem to handle nested strings correctly.

The revised version above yields the much more reasonable "abc, def, ghi, jkl, mno, pqr, stu, vwx, yz", thanks

ghaberek said...

So I made my own attempt to better handle this behavior and I wrote two functions: flatten_all() and flatten_seq().

Without adequate testing, may I quickly suggest:

-- string type borrowed from std/types.e 
type string( object x )  -- unchanged 
    if not sequence(x) then 
        return 0 
    end if 
    for i = 1 to length(x) do 
        if not integer(x[i]) then 
            return 0 
        end if 
        if x[i] < 0 then 
            return 0 
        end if 
        if x[i] > 255 then 
            return 0 
        end if 
    end for 
    return 1 
end type 
-- flatten a sequence, preserving nested strings 
function flatten_seq2( sequence s1, string delim = "" )  
sequence s2 = ""  
object s1i 
    for i = 1 to length( s1 ) do  
        if i!=1 then  
            s2 &= delim  
        end if  
        s1i = s1[i] 
        if atom( s1i ) or string(s1i) then  -- (edit: wrong test) 
            s2 &= s1i  
            s2 &= flatten_seq2( s1i,delim )  
        end if  
    end for  
    return s2  
end function  

That string_array thing just looked wrong to me, like it was only ever going to work at a single nested level. Of course flatten() needs to do something sensible when passed a tree of words.

Oh, I had to remove join because I was making it recursive, it now calls itself rather than flatten_all, and that just feels more sensible.

I'm thinking it is reasonable to say that when processing non-string stuff you should not use a delimiter, and if you do specify one there is a fairly strong implication that you are expecting a single string back.

To that end I sneaked in a type check on delim.

I'm not absolutely against the idea of two functions, but I'm not convinced we really need that split yet either.


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