Tight programming exercise, using bad programming practices

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A friend who is studying, was asked to create pseudo-code for the following problem:

  • Your algorithm should:

  • o Search a string of at least five numbers (for example, 37540)
    o Identify all of the substrings that form numbers that are divisible by 3.
    o For example, applying the algorithm on the string 37540 should produce the
    following substrings (not necessarily in this order): 0; 3; 75; 54; 375; 540.

    OK, did that for him, but just for the heck of it, I also provided the following code,
    as an example of a few bad programming practices to see how small I could make it,
    while still being mostly legible.
    Other than making the two value related statements into one, can anyone make it smaller?

procedure tiny() 
sequence s1,s2,s3="37540" 
atom a1 integer i1,i2=0 
while i2<5 do i2=i2+1 i1=i2-1 
while i1<5 do i1=i1+1 s1=s3[i2..i1] 
s2=value(s1) a1=s2[2] 
if floor(a1/3)=(a1/3) then 
puts(1,s1&", ") end if 
end while end while 
end procedure 
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