Re: ./EuGTK/GtkEngine.e to Irv

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jimcbrown said...

The scope of the two reasons is different. The first one makes perfect sense and I see no problems.

However, the second one seems to be about internet connectivity. What if you are on a computer that's on a local lan with no internet conectivity - a lan that's isolated? You'd get an ip address so the check would pass, but then the browser would still present the 'cannot connect' web page. (Actually, this still isn't enough - you might be connected to the internet but still unable to access the web site for other reasons, such as Tier 1 de-peering. But maybe at that point, it's acceptable to have the browser be the one reporting the error.)

It seems like you'd actually want two separate checks - one to get the local ip address and one to check remote (i.e. internet) connectivity.

That makes sense. For the second, it would be better to let the browser deliver the bad news - such as a web page from the school telling you that you've been banned forever for googling "pistil" when all you wanted was some horticultural info.

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