Re: wxEuphoria: wxWidgets_Version() Function?

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euphoric said...
ghaberek said...

I tested against the same DLLs that you should be using from the 0.17.0 package I've provided.

What particular DLL tells me what version of wxWidgets I have? And what should those values be?

All of the DLL files have the same version assigned: 2.8.12, which is the latest in the 2.8 release. Here is an expanded example to show all the versions.

include std/convert.e 
sequence wxlibs = { 
for i = 1 to length( wxlibs ) do 
    atom info = GetFileVersionInfo( wxlibs[i] ) 
    if info != NULL then 
        atom lo_dword = VerQueryValue( info, dwFileVersionMS ) 
        atom hi_dword = VerQueryValue( info, dwFileVersionLS ) 
        sequence bytes = int_to_bytes(lo_dword) & int_to_bytes(hi_dword) 
        atom major = bytes_to_int( bytes[3..4] ) --  2 
        atom minor = bytes_to_int( bytes[1..2] ) --  8 
        atom patch = bytes_to_int( bytes[7..8] ) -- 12 
        printf( 1, "%s = %d.%d.%d\n", {wxlibs[i],major,minor,patch} ) 
    end if 
end for 


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