Re: Good documentation

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_tom said...


include arcsin.e 
public type trig_range(object x) 

values passed to arccos and arcsin must be in the inclusive range [-1,+1]


include arcsin.e 
public function arcsin(trig_range x) 

returns an angle in a right triangle given its sine.

  1. trig_range : an atom or a sequence of atomic items; each value is a trig_range ratio.

An object, the same shape as trig_range, each atom is an angle measured in radians.


The arcsin function requires arguments in the inclusive [ -1..1 ] range; a typecheck error occurs otherwise.

hypotenuse c/ | a opposite  
          A  b adjacent 
 The right triangle abc 

The arcsin (angle in radians) is the inverse function of the sin (ratio of a/c ) function .

The argument to the arcsin function must be in the inclusive range of -1 to +1 .

The return value is an angle, measured in radians, in the inclussive range of -PI/2 to +PI/2 .

The arcsin may be applied to an atom or to all atomic items in a sequence.


The arcsin function is not as fast as the arctan function.

Example 1:
s = arcsin({-1,0,1}) 
? s 
--> {-1.570796327, 0, 1.570796327} 
include std/mathcon.e 
? PI/2 
--> 1.570796327 
Example 2:

In the right triangle

hypotenuse 5/ | 4 opposite  
          A  3 adjacent 
 The right triangle abc 

the sine of A is opposite/hypotenuse. Given the ratio 4/5, what is the angle A in radians?

                                                     include std/math.e 
atom r = arcsin( 4/5 ) 
? r 
--> 0.927295218 
r = rad2deg(r) 
? r 
--> 53.13010235 
See Also:

arccos | arctan | sin | PI | rad2deg | deg2rad

That's it! That's what I meant! The basic knowledge. Not more then this!

Till now I cannot use arcsin without Wikipedia...

From your new example and description I can see what arcsin is all about.


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