Re: windows graphics engine

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>What if I just want to draw text with TextOut() to bitmap? Here is no
>complex algorithm to calculate.

Drawing truetype characters is actually a pretty complicated task, though
using asm would speed up anything in this case since you'd eventually have
to call the gdi textout routine anyway.

>I don't understand..

Drawing directly to the screen (or a window) means getting a pointer to the
desired are and write to that address. Windows won't give you a ny such
pointers. Instead, it'll give you device-contexts to use with the Windows
gdi functions.
If you want to draw *directly* to the screen/window, then you should go for

>The color you get with GetPixel() function? is it something like

RGB = GetPixel(dc, x, y)

red = and_bits(RGB, 255)
green = and_bits(floor(RGB/256), 255)
blue = and_bits(floor(RGB/65536), 255)

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