Re: Redy 1.0.0 roadmap

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Icy_Viking said...

Looking good. Redy looks like it will be a great addition to Euphoria.

Thanks. I have been very busy at work, but i should have time to continue working on Redy in the next week or two. I have a list of features to add as soon as i have time to work on it. I am not just designing a theoretical platform, but constantly re-evaluating my design to work with real-world situations. Progress is slower than i hoped, since i have to earn a living, but i continue to work on it when i have time.

I actually use Redy at my "day job" because it seems to be the easiest (and totally free) way to make programs that do what i need to get the job done. I am going to continue working on an application that communicates with devices over USB and collects data to store in files and display charts. It works beautifully, but there are a few features i still need to add. This will be a very good test scenario to help me make progress on Redy.

Currently, the biggest needs seem to be 1) multi-tasking/multi-core/multi-process communication, 2) good graphics performance and features 3) good tools and techniques for designing large/complex applications in a way that is easy to manage.

I have probably said this before, but i have no intention of putting down other efforts to make GUI libraries for Euphoria, such as EuGTK. I simply want to see what Euphoria is able to do without depending on 3rd party libraries, and at the same time, experiment with different ideas that could contribute to computer design in general (especially high-level proramming languages, OS, and GUI design).

I am curious, has anyone actually used Redy to make anything yet? Does anyone have suggestions or comments about the design of Redy?

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