Re: Try/Catch

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dcuny said...

Using try/catch, it's possible for the top-level code determine what the best response should be.

try/catch is probably the best solution. but it's not part of the Euphoria philosophy. it's not part of Euphoria at all. it's not simple. period.

if you implement try/catch for best response, then why using atoms? wouldn't it be much better to use integer, long, double, unsigned/signed, maybe nibble? why not in-line C code? I am not exaggerating - Euphoria has and should keep it's own identity/personality.

I assume that some modern Basic dialect could do the job very well. But with lots of built-ins and options, almost as C...

The idea of Euphoria is to be minimalist, readable and simple - so you'll be able to write reliable code, much more then C or Basic, therefore you don't really need error handler to wrap any block of code for just in case.

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