Re: Try/Catch

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Jim, coincidently, i am listening to Tracy Chapman, a singer, who performed on a small stage i set up in Atlanta ~1986. That was 29 years ago, and the words of the song sound like they were written of the Ferguson murder of 2014, or nearly every day in every city and town today. My point is that waiting patiently accomplishes nothing. People are still asking what they asked for 15 years ago, and near as i can tell, we will still be waiting tomorrow and the following year.

So in OE, before calling any function, write where we are going, to a reserved space. For kicks and giggles, point a variable name at it, maybe that will be useful tomorrow, by someone who discovers OE tonight. Thereby, when there is an error, we will know where we came from, we can back up to a point perhaps we can resume executing, where the error is irrelavant. If nothing else, the error msg can be more illuminating.

It took all of a few seconds to figure how to do this with no speed hit on a 6502 system: watch the cpu's SYNC line, have a latch grab the interesting instructions and/or addys, store them to a section of ram somewhere, then inc the pointer counter. Memory map the whole couple of chips to somewhere, and point a variable at the pointer's output. Presto, you have a log of the previous interesting machine code addresses hit, and you incurred no performance penalty while doing so. My point being: sometimes the old way of doing things, and thinking well outside the box, can do seemingly wonderous things, with no waiting.


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