Re: Compile

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mattlewis said...

This is totally wrong. In fact, the translator is likely to remove more things from your code. It makes several passes until it can no longer remove anything (more or less, there are other optimizations involved).

You may be thinking about translating into a shared / dynamic library, which has different rules, since the point is to make stuff available for use later on. But even then, things are removed during translation.

Interesting. I couldn't find anything supporting that in the translator documentation. Conversely, the the binder documentation does specifically state this.

My misunderstanding was also supported by the translator not outputting the phrase "deleted [n] unused routines..."


C:\Euphoria\Downloads\wee>euc -nobuild -makefile WEE.EXW 
Translating code, pass: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11  generating 
38.c files were created. 
To build your project, type make -f WEE.mak 


C:\Euphoria\Downloads\wee>eubind WEE.EXW 
deleted 405 unused routines and 3037 unused variables. 
You may now run C:\Euphoria\Downloads\wee\WEE.exe 

I am probably not the only one who was mistaken. Maybe we need to update the documentation?


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