Re: text.e bugs?

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irv said...

Just downloaded and compiled. Only one question remains, should text:format round in the same manner as printf, or is this better left as an option for the programmer?

7 Printf:        1499.46  Fmt A:       1,499.45 Fmt B:       1,499.45  Raw: 1499.459  
8 Printf:        -267.46  Fmt A:       (267.45) Fmt B:        -267.45  Raw: -267.456  

Something like that? (adding 'r' to decs):

[$]:  cat ~/pru2.ex; eui ~/pru2.ex 
include std/text.e 
puts(1, format("Fmt A: [(,,:12.2] Fmt B: [,,:12.2]  Raw: []\n",   {-267.456,-267.456,-267.456})) 
puts(1, format("Fmt A: [(,,:12.2r] Fmt B: [,,:12.2r]  Raw: []\n", {-267.456,-267.456,-267.456})) 
puts(1, format("Fmt A: [(,,:12.] Fmt B: [,,:12.]  Raw: []\n", {-267.56,-267.56,-267.56})) 
puts(1, format("Fmt A: [(,,:12.] Fmt B: [,,:12.r]  Raw: []\n", {-267.56,-267.56,-267.56})) 
puts(1, format("The answer is [.4]\n",  {1.234567e17})) 
puts(1, format("The answer is [.4r]\n", {1.234567e17})) 
puts(1, format("The answer is [.]\n", {1.567234e17})) 
puts(1, format("The answer is [.r]\n", {1.567234e17})) 
Fmt A:     (267.45) Fmt B:      -267.45  Raw: -267.456 
Fmt A:     (267.46) Fmt B:      -267.46  Raw: -267.456 
Fmt A:        (267) Fmt B:         -267  Raw: -267.56 
Fmt A:        (267) Fmt B:         -268  Raw: -267.56 
The answer is 1.2345e+17 
The answer is 1.2346e+17 
The answer is 1e+17 
The answer is 2e+17 

with this patch:

--- text.e	2015-01-26 09:35:20.466148000 +0100 
+++ text.e	2015-01-26 09:22:46.022148000 +0100 
@@ -1412,18 +1412,16 @@ 
 ifdef BITS64 then 
     constant MAX_BITS =  64 
     constant MAX_DIGS =  18 
-    constant MAX_INT  =  0x3FFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF 
-    constant MIN_INT  = -0x4000_0000_0000_0000 
     constant MAX_BITS =  32 
     constant MAX_DIGS =  15 
-    constant MAX_INT  =  0x3FFF_FFFF 
-    constant MIN_INT  = -0x4000_0000 
 end ifdef 
 constant MAX_UCS4 =  0xFFFF_FFFF 
 constant MAX_IFMT =  0x3FFF_FFFF 
 constant MIN_IFMT = -0x4000_0000 
+constant MAX_FFMT =  power(10, 15) 
+constant MIN_FFMT =  power(10, -4) 
 public function format(sequence format_pattern, object arg_list = {}) 
 	sequence result 
@@ -1456,6 +1454,7 @@ 
 	object envvar 
 	integer ep 
 	integer pflag 
+	integer round 
 	integer count 
 	sequence fmt 
 	atom argval 
@@ -1572,12 +1571,17 @@ 
 	    		case '.' then 
 	    			decs = 0 
+	    			round = 0 
 	    			while i < length(format_pattern) do 
 	    				i += 1 
 	    				tch = format_pattern[i] 
 	    				pos = find(tch, "0123456789") 
 	    				if pos = 0 then 
-	    					i -= 1 
+	    					if tch = 'r' then 
+	    						round = MAX_DIGS 
+	    					else 
+	    						i -= 1 
+	    					end if 
 	    				end if 
 	    				decs = decs * 10 + pos - 1 
@@ -1783,14 +1787,31 @@ 
 								   argval = -argval 
 								end if 
 								if decs < 0 then 
-									fmt = sprintf("%%.%dg", MAX_DIGS)   -- default '%g' format precision 
-								elsif argval >= power(10, 15) or 
-									  argval < 1e-4 then 
-									fmt = sprintf("%%.%de", decs) 
+									fmt = sprintf("%%.%dg", MAX_DIGS) 
+								elsif argval >= MAX_FFMT or 
+									  argval < MIN_FFMT then 
+									fmt = sprintf("%%.%de", decs + MAX_DIGS - round) 
-									fmt = sprintf("%%.%df", decs) 
+									fmt = sprintf("%%.%df", decs + MAX_DIGS - round) 
 								end if 
 								argtext = sprintf(fmt, arg_list[argn]) 
+								pos = find('e', argtext) 
+								if pos = 0 then 
+									if decs >= 0 then 
+										argtext = argtext[ 1 .. $ - MAX_DIGS + round ] 
+									end if 
+									if argtext[$] = '.' then 
+										argtext = argtext[ 1 .. $ - 1 ] 
+									end if 
+								else 
+									sequence arg1 = argtext[ 1 .. pos - 1 - MAX_DIGS + round ] 
+									if decs >= 0 then 
+										if arg1[$] = '.' then 
+											arg1 = arg1[ 1 .. $ - 1 ] 
+										end if 
+									end if 
+									argtext = arg1 & argtext[ pos .. $ ] 
+								end if 
 								-- Remove any leading 0 after e+ 
 								while ep != 0 with entry do 
 									argtext = remove(argtext, ep+2) 

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