Re: win32lib printing

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What printing device are you using? I am testing with CutePDF Writer as my printer and my bitmap printing comes out fine. Maybe the printer driver has something to do with it?

Also, you do not need to call setPenPos() to position the bitmap, since copyBlt() takes its position directly. That is only for text functions that do not accept positioning parameters (e.g. wPuts()).

Here is the code I am using to test.

include Win32Lib.ew 
    myWindow    = create( Window, "Test", 0, Default, Default, 400, 300, 0 ), 
    myButton    = create( PushButton, "Print", myWindow, 10, 10, 90, 30, 0 ), 
procedure myButton_OnClick( integer self, integer event, sequence params ) 
    sequence result = getPrinter() 
    if length( result ) = 0 then 
        -- user cancelled 
    end if 
    if startDoc( "Test" ) then 
        if startPage() then 
            atom bmp = loadBitmapFromFile( "space.bmp" ) 
            -- space.bmp is 300x225 (1.00" x 0.75"), so scale it up 8x to fill the page. 
            -- N.B. we are assuming 300 DPI here, which may not be correct (it's probably not). 
                Printer,  -- dest device 
                150,      -- dest x = 0.5" 
                150,      -- dest y = 0.5" 
                2400,     -- dest width = 8" 
                1800,     -- dest height = 6" 
                bmp,      -- src bitmap 
                0,        -- src x 
                0,        -- src y 
                300,      -- src width 
                225,      -- src height 
                SRCCOPY   -- operation 
        end if 
    end if 
end procedure 
setHandler( myButton, w32HClick, routine_id("myButton_OnClick") ) 
WinMain( myWindow, Normal ) 


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