Re: win32lib main window

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This works for me...

include Win32Lib.ew 
    Main        = create( Window, "Min/Max Testing", 0, Default, Default, 640, 480, 0 ), 
    MinButton   = create( PushButton, "Minimize", Main, 0, 0, 90, 30, 0 ), 
    MaxButton   = create( PushButton, "Maximize", Main, 0, 0, 90, 30, 0 ), 
procedure Main_OnResize( integer self, integer event, sequence params ) 
    -- params[1] is the 'style' of the size event. 
    -- See Win32Lib documentation for w32HResize. 
    if params[1] = SIZE_RESTORED then 
        -- Next action should be SW_MAXIMIZE. 
        setText( MaxButton, "Maximize" ) 
    elsif params[1] = SIZE_MAXIMIZED then 
        -- Next action should be SW_RESTORE. 
        setText( MaxButton, "Restore" ) 
    end if 
    -- Center the buttons. 
    setRect( MinButton, {0.5,-45}, {0.5,-35}, 90, 30, w32True ) 
    setRect( MaxButton, {0.5,-45}, {0.5,  5}, 90, 30, w32True ) 
end procedure 
setHandler( Main, w32HResize, routine_id("Main_OnResize") ) 
procedure MinButton_OnClick( integer self, integer event, sequence params ) 
    -- Just minimize the window. 
    showWindow( Main, SW_MINIMIZE ) 
end procedure 
setHandler( MinButton, w32HClick, routine_id("MinButton_OnClick") ) 
procedure MaxButton_OnClick( integer self, integer event, sequence params ) 
    sequence text = getText( MaxButton ) 
    -- Update the window state, based on the current button text. The event 
    -- handler for w32HResize the window will update the text accordingly. 
    if equal( text, "Maximize" ) then 
        showWindow( Main, SW_MAXIMIZE ) 
    elsif equal( text, "Restore" ) then 
        showWindow( Main, SW_RESTORE ) 
    end if 
end procedure 
setHandler( MaxButton, w32HClick, routine_id("MaxButton_OnClick") ) 
WinMain( Main, Normal ) 


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