Re: Interpreter crashes while crashing

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Hi Ryan

Probably can't solve your problem, but I have had similar things happen to me. I pinned it down to calling incompatible libraries and assuming they were producing memory corruption errors, so either the interpreter or Linux was just kicking the program out straight away. No error message, no ex.err, nothing, Either fixed by changing the library, or just doing things an alternative way.

I'm making a jump here, as I don't know, or would even begin to imagine, how Redy works, but it looks like you are using multiple tasks, and an error is being produced from one of the tasks - is this consisten. in the first line of the error, the slice is going past the end of the sequence - shouldn't you be checking for this? Is an ex.err being produced - is it the same as the console? If you are getting a complete ex.err, then the interpreter isn't crashing, its the console that's too quick to read - are multiple consoles opened with additional tasks? At some level, are you calling machine level routines which are writing to 'wrong' memory areas?

Just some thoughts, I know, which may be completely inconsequential.



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