Re: little graphic user interfaces - how to program on WinXP system

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For this you should see Starting Euphoria Gui Programming. There are several options available. The easiest library to get started with is Win32Lib.

You can download Win32Lib from this link:

Extract the zip file into a new folder named "Win32Lib" in your Euphoria folder (typically that's C:\Euphoria).

Edit your eu.cfg and add the path to the Win32Lib "Include" folder.

-d E32 
-eudir C:\Euphoria 
-i C:\Euphoria\include 
-i C:\Euphoria\Win32Lib\Include  # add this line 

Here is a simple Win32Lib example. Save this as demo.exw and run with euiw.exe.

include Win32Lib.ew 
-- create a simple window 
constant myWindow = create( 
    Window,  -- control type (a standard Window) 
    "Demo",  -- caption of this Window (title bar text) 
    0,       -- parent of this Window (0 = no parent) 
    Default, -- initial x position (Default = let Windows choose) 
    Default, -- initial y position (Default = let Windows choose) 
    320,     -- initial width 
    240,     -- initial height 
    0 )      -- additional styles (0 = default) 
-- create a simple text label 
constant myLabel = create( 
    LText,    -- control type (LText means "left-aligned text") 
    "Hello!", -- caption of this LText (the value displayed on the label) 
    myWindow, -- parent of this control (our 'myWindow' from above) 
    10,       -- initial x position 
    10,       -- initial y position 
    200,      -- initial width 
    20,       -- initial height 
    0 )       -- additional styles (0 = default) 
-- create a simple push button 
constant myButton = create( 
    PushButton, -- control type (a standard button) 
    "Click Me", -- caption of this button 
    myWindow,   -- parent of this control 
    10,         -- initial x position 
    40,         -- initial y position 
    90,         -- initial width 
    30,         -- initial height 
    0 )         -- additional styles (0 = default) 
-- change the font of the LText control 
setFont( myLabel, "MS Sans Serif", 12, Bold ) 
-- create an event handler for the button's "Click" event 
--   Note: these parameters are standard to all event handlers. 
--   see the documentation for the values contained in 'params' 
--   which is specific to each event. 
procedure myButton_OnClick( integer self, integer event, sequence params )  
    -- show a message box when the user clicks the button 
        "You clicked the button!", -- the message to display 
        "Clicked!",                -- the caption for the message box 
        MB_OK+MB_ICONINFORMATION ) -- the style of the box (buttons, icons, etc.) 
end procedure 
-- assign the event handler to the button 
    myButton,                      -- the control whose events we want to handle 
    w32HClick,                     -- the event of the control we want to handle 
    routine_id("myButton_OnClick") -- the routine we want to handle the events 
-- start the application by opening 'myWindow' in 'Normal' mode, 
--   other options include 'Maximized' or 'Minimized' 
WinMain( myWindow, Normal ) 

Hope this helps,


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