Re: Euphoria AL

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ChrisB said...


Sell it to me then!

(in case anyone is being too 'literal', I mean by that why would I download it rather than the official version, not let me reach for my wallet)


Thanks Chris, you could look at the page 'What's New in 4.1'

See also: enum type

Breifly, your code is checked in ways that the old Euphoria doesn't: enumerated types are special. For example, If you have a boolean enumerated type with values T and F and you have another enumerated type called Motor_type with values GAS, DISEL, ELEC. GAS may be 0 and F may be 0 but assigning F to a Motor_type variable will result in a warning. Where as 4.1 beta will not even hiccup. Also, the Debugging console displays the enumerated name which may be GAS, DISEL or ELEC instead of only 0, 1, 2.

Let me tell you why you should donate to either EuphoriaAL or OpenEuphoria. If you are tired of releases taking years to come out, support either one. We developers volunteer for free to work on this project, and although we are happy to do so, computers cost money, time spent on Euphoria is time not spent at work doing overtime. To do so with no support at all is a bit of a fool's errand.

If you want to see this EuphoriaAL have regular releases consider sending a donation monthly.

Thank you in advance for your support.

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