Re: Compressed Linetables

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Here's a first attempt:

-- use bit precision that fit euphoria's integer type 
    bit_precision = 30, 
    limit = power(2, bit_precision) - 1, 
    bit1 = power(2, bit_precision - 1) 
-- sum a sequence 
function sum(sequence s) 
    atom result 
    result = 0 
    for i = 1 to length(s) do 
        result += s[i] 
    end for 
    return result 
end function 
-- generate look-up-table of weights, normalized to bit precision 
function generate_lut(sequence s) 
    sequence lut 
    integer x 
    atom sum_s 
    -- scale weights from 0 to bit limit 
    sum_s = sum(s) 
    lut = repeat(0, length(s)) 
    -- change independent weights to increasing ranges 
    x = 0 
    for i = 1 to length(lut) do 
        lut[i] = x 
        x += floor(s[i] * limit / sum_s) 
    end for 
    return lut 
end function 
-- add an integer x to a binary sequence bits 
function badd(sequence bits, atom x) 
    integer c, s 
    atom j 
    j = 1 
    c = 0 
    for i = length(bits) to 1 by -1 do 
        s = bits[i] + (and_bits(x, j) != 0) + c 
        c = s > 1 
        bits[i] = and_bits(s, 1) 
        j += j 
    end for 
    if c then 
        printf(1, "badd overflow! x=%d bits=", {x}) ? bits 
    end if 
    return bits 
end function 
-- return an integer representing the binary difference of x and y 
function bdif(sequence x, sequence y) 
    integer c, s 
    atom j, result 
    j = 1 
    c = 0 
    result = 0 
    for i = length(x) to 1 by -1 do 
        if i <= length(y) then 
            s = y[i] 
            s = 0 
        end if 
        s -= x[i] + c 
        c = s < 0 
        result += j * and_bits(s, 1) 
        j += j 
    end for 
    return result * (1 - 2 * c) 
end function 
-- binary search between l range d for a symbol in lut that matches code 
function bsearch(sequence l, integer d, sequence code, sequence lut) 
    integer a, b, mid, x 
    sequence tmp 
    a = 1 
    b = length(lut) - 1 
    while a != b do 
        mid = floor((a + b + 1) / 2) 
        x = lut[mid] 
        tmp = badd(l, floor(x * d / (limit+1))) 
        if bdif(tmp, code) < 0 then 
            b = mid - 1 
            a = mid 
        end if 
    end while 
    return a 
end function 
-- arithmetic encode a list of symbols, given a weighted symbol table 
function arith_encode(sequence list, sequence syms, sequence weights) 
    sequence lut, result, u, l 
    integer sym, a, b, d 
    lut = generate_lut(weights) & limit 
    l = repeat(0, bit_precision) 
    u = repeat(1, bit_precision) 
    result = {} 
    for i = 1 to length(list) do 
        -- get the symbol index from the list 
        sym = find(list[i], syms) 
        if sym = 0 then 
            puts(1, "symbol not found: ") ? list[i] 
            return 0 
        end if 
        -- find the difference of the upper and lower range 
        d = bdif(l, u) 
        -- scale up d so that we have more precision for bounds 
        while d < bit1 and length(l) < bit_precision do 
            d += d 
            l &= 0 
        end while 
        --printf(1, "sym=%d d=%d\n", {sym, d}) 
        -- get the symbol bounds from look-up-table 
        a = lut[sym] 
        b = lut[sym+1] 
        -- scale the symbol bounds by the difference 
        a = floor(a * d / (limit+1)) 
        b = floor(b * d / (limit+1)) 
        -- create the new range from the symbol bounds 
        u = badd(l, b) 
        l = badd(l, a) 
        -- last item? 
        if i = length(list) then 
            -- figure out how many bits we need to flush 
            u = badd(l, floor((b - a) / 2)) 
            for j = 1 to length(l) do 
                if l[j] != u[j] then 
                    l[j] = u[j] 
                    if j < length(l) then 
                        l[j+1] = 1 - u[j+1] 
                    end if 
                end if 
            end for 
        end if 
        -- leading bits that are the same won't change, 
        -- and can be moved to the result. 
        while length(l) and l[1] = u[1] do 
            result &= l[1] 
            l = l[2..$] 
            u = u[2..$] 
        end while 
        -- TODO: this will output bytes instead of bits 
        while 0 and length(l) > 8 and equal(l[1..8], u[1..8]) do 
            result &= l[1] + l[2]*2 + l[3]*4 + l[4]*8 + 
                l[5]*16 + l[6]*32 + l[7]*64 + l[8]*128 
            l = l[9..$] 
            u = u[9..$] 
        end while 
    end for 
    return result 
end function 
-- arithmetic decode a coded sequence, given a weighted symbol table 
function arith_decode(sequence code, sequence syms, sequence weights) 
    sequence lut, result, u, l 
    integer sym, a, b, len, d 
    lut = generate_lut(weights) & limit 
    l = repeat(0, bit_precision) 
    u = repeat(1, bit_precision) 
if 0 then 
    -- convert bytes to bits 
    result = repeat(0, 8 * length(code)) 
    for i = 1 to length(code) do 
        d = 1 
        for j = 7 to 0 by -1 do 
            result[i*8-j] = and_bits(code[i], d) != 0 
            d += d 
        end for 
    end for 
    code = result 
    ? code 
end if 
    result = {} 
    len = length(code) - 1 
    while len do 
        -- find the difference of the upper and lower range 
        d = bdif(l, u) 
        -- scale up d so that we have more precision for bounds 
        while d < bit1 and length(l) < bit_precision do 
            d += d 
            l &= 0 
        end while 
        -- do a binary search of the lut to find the next symbol index 
        sym = bsearch(l, d, code, lut) 
        -- save the symbol in the results 
        result = append(result, syms[sym]) 
        --printf(1, "sym=%d d=%d\n", {sym, d}) 
        -- get the symbol bounds from look-up-table 
        a = lut[sym] 
        b = lut[sym+1] 
        -- scale the symbol bounds by the difference 
        a = floor(a * d / (limit+1)) 
        b = floor(b * d / (limit+1)) 
        -- create the new range from the symbol bounds 
        u = badd(l, b) 
        l = badd(l, a) 
        -- leading bits that are the same won't change, 
        -- and can be removed. 
        while l[1] = u[1] do 
            code = code[2..$] 
            l = l[2..$] 
            u = u[2..$] 
            len -= 1 
        end while 
    end while 
    return result 
end function 
sequence code, table, symbols, weights 
-- symbol mapping: 
-- 0..61 maps to integers 0..61 
-- 62 means add 62 to the next symbol value 
-- 63 means to make the next symbol negative 
symbols = repeat(0, 64) 
for i = 1 to length(symbols) do 
    symbols[i] = i-1 
end for 
-- weights are loosely based on the histogram of the table below 
weights = {10,2000,2000,2000,1000,1000,1000,500,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,10, 
function compress_linetable(sequence table) 
    sequence s 
    integer x, y 
    s = {} 
    y = 0 
    -- convert the table to a list of symbols 0..63 
    for i = 1 to length(table) do 
        x = table[i] 
        if x < 0 then 
            s &= 63 -- 63 means negative 
            x = -x 
            -- calculate delta for offsets 
            x -= y 
            y = table[i] 
        end if 
        while x >= 62 do 
            s &= 62 
            x -= 62 
        end while 
        s &= x 
    end for 
    return arith_encode(s, symbols, weights) 
end function 
function decompress_linetable(sequence code) 
    sequence table, s 
    integer x, y, neg 
    x = 0 
    y = 0 
    neg = 0 
    table = {} 
    s = arith_decode(code, symbols, weights) 
    for i = 1 to length(s) do 
        if s[i] = 63 then 
            neg = 1 
        elsif s[i] = 62 then 
            x += 62 
            x += s[i] 
            if neg then 
                table &= -x 
                neg = 0 
                y += x 
                table &= y 
            end if 
            x = 0 
        end if 
    end for 
    return table 
end function 
code = compress_linetable(table) 
table = decompress_linetable(code) 
? table 
printf(1, "%d entries -> %d bits\n", {length(table), length(code)}) 
printf(1, "%g bits per entry\n", {length(code) / length(table)}) 


821 entries -> 3549 bits 
4.32278 bits per entry 

There's still a problem with the decoder - it doesn't know where to stop, so there ends up being an extra entry in the decoded table. I haven't decided whether to encode the length of the output into the coded bits, or to use a special symbol to indicate when to stop decoding.

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