Re: Discuss changing the behaviour of append()

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DerekParnell said...

Would it be a bad thing to remove this restriction such that when appending to an atom, Euphoria would automatically build a new sequence? This would be similar to how concatenation works.

Simple answer: not such a good idea.

The function append is:

   fn(seq, obj) -> seq 

The proposed change would require that append be

   fn(obj, obj) -> seq 
which makes the test part of append whether you want it or not.

It would seem that append is wanted most often when the first parameter is a sequence....

As to the code being 'ugly' ..

function F(object A, object B) 
sequence x 
    if atom(A) then 
        x = append({A}, B) 
        x = append(A, B) 
    end if 
    return x 
end function 


function F(object A, object B) 
    if atom(A) then 
        A = {A] 
    end if 
    return append(A, B) 
end function 

or, ditching the function

sequence x 
if atom(A) then 
    x = append({A},B) 
    x = append(A,B) 
end if    
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