Re: OK what does ` mean - seriously seems to be not documented.

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gimlet said...


a couple of things  
1. Unfortunately in my browser the euro example displays '?' rather than the glyph. 
2. raw strings are not 'raw' as carriage returns are stripped. Instead of crlf you get  
   plain lf.  

Point One

Since I do not use Windows...

It means that Windows does not recognize the defacto standard that Unicode strings are encoded as UTF-8. When you see ? (or a diamond) it means "unrecognized character." In my example the Euro is UTF-8 encoded.

It does mean explaining how Windows works needs more effort--I will have to come up with something. But in my draft I do mention that Windows does not follow standard protocol.

Point Two

Raw strings are about input into Euphoria. Raw strings are not about preserving original Windows strings. I mention that all input methods, and all string formats result in exactly the same strings--you can not tell what the orignal looked like. From this viewpoint removing carriage returns is valid.

Someone with Windows skills may explain how to use Unicode on Windows. I need help here.

Carriage Return

What is the value of CR LF ( 13 10 ) at the end of each line?

My computer does not have a serial port! Yes, I do have a serial port dot matrix printer that hasn't been tossed out yet. The CR gimic was used to make ersatz bold and accents when printing. But that is still not a valid reason for CR LF on every line.

Wikipedia mentions that CR and LF were used, somewhere, for soft and hard paragraph breaks. Still, I don't think that is a valid reaon for having CR LF at the end of each line.

Pragmatic viewpoint. Use an editor that fixes line endings to LF.

Keep up the dialog. RTFM does mean fix the documentation.


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