Re: OK what does ` mean - seriously seems to be not documented.

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I am sorry that this started a war.

How is one supposed to talk to you if a simple question starts a war?

My problem with raw strings aka '`' aka `"""` has not been properly addressed.

1 It is extremely unclear what the purpose of raw strings is  
  in Eu: 
  given that  
     1. Eu raw strings remove carriage returns and therefore are  
        of limited use as regex source on Windows. 
     2. Because they cannot contain '`' and `"""` raw strings  
        cannot contain `"""` they cannot be text (they need to  
        be read in as source and interpreted). 
     3. The documentation say nothing about purpose except as  
        being multi-line - but if they do not do carriage  
        returns then how useful are they? 
2 This is really my question. Given that `"$,"` is not just some 
  hacky back-end stuff allowing you to say "these characters" 
  what is the point? It seems they can be read as source, they  
  could be written as data, but they are really only strings and  
  have no separate existence. 

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