Ver 4 and Edita

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Thank you Pete,

After a year and a half I finally figured this out.

How to run Eu v4 with Edita so that on error it jumps back to Edita (on the line where the error occurred).

What I did was:

Paste the information that was in eui.bat into eu.cfg.

Deleted eui.bat altogether.

In Edita changed .eui file extension option from e:\EUPOHORIA-40b4\bin\eui.bat to e:\EUPHORIA-40b4\bin\exe.

Now it's working fine with EUPHORIA v3 and v4.

Again thank you, although I'm a little slow to pick up on simple things.

Hard things I get right away.

dcole said...
petelomax said...
dcole said...

Hello Pete,

I do have a problem with Edita that maybe you can help me with.


@@PATH=%PATH% E:\euphoria-40b4\bin
@SET EUDIR=E:\euphoria-40b4
@SET EUINC=E:\euphoria-40b4\include;E:\eu\myinclude;e:\eu\football;e:\eu\win32lib
@start /b E:\euphoria-40b4\bin\eui.exe %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9

Yeah, that's going to be a problem - Edita won't get an error code from eui.exe and hence will not attempt to open any ex.err file that gets created. What you need is an app along the lines of (warning completely untested):
1) Either set up an eu.cfg file (probably easier) or code something like:

object path 
constant eu4 = "E:\euphoria-40b4\" 
    path = getenv("PATH") 
    if atom(path) then path = "" end if 
    if match(lower(eu4&"\\bin"),lower(path))=0 then 
        path &= ";"&eu4&"\\bin" 
    end if 

2) code to run and return the exit code (which you'll want to compile):

function flatten(sequence s) 
sequence res, si 
    res = "" 
    for i=1 to length(txtlines) do 
        si = s[i] 
        if find(' ',si) and not find('\"',si) then 
            si = '\"'&si&'\"' 
        end if 
        res &= si&' ' 
    end for 
    return res 
end function 
sequence cl = command_line() 
    cl[1] = eu4&"\\bin\\eui.exe" 

If I find time, I'll look at adding environment settings to Edita\Options\Extensions so you won't have to do any of this, though I can't promise that any time soon.


PS. not sure why you said ".exwc" is really ".eui", can't you just add a new extension?

DOH - just after posting I realised that if you set up the eu.cfg file (in the same directory as eui.exe) you shouldn't need part 2, just invoke eui.exe directly.


PS. not sure why you said ".exwc" is really ".eui", can't you just add a new extension?

Thanks Pete for trying to help with this problem.

The reason I'm using the .exwc file extention because if I don't use .ex or .exw or .exwc then the

greenlite dosen't lite up. Edita dosen't recognize it as runable Euphoria file.

Don Cole

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