Re: [OT] USA Elections

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DerekParnell said...
Lnettnay said...

Just curious why you would vote for Obama?

The community I wish to belong to would be one that takes care of those that cannot care for themselves.

This sounds very much like how Romney has lived his life. With respect to "my brother's keeper," Romney has been much more generous towards people with whom he isn't related than Obama has been with his actual siblings. Also, interestingly, Republicans generally give much more to charity than Democrats.

So this seems like a reason to vote for Romney, not Obama.

DerekParnell said...

From this distant shore, the view appears to me to be that Obama is on the side of the downtrodden and wants to promote equality for all people, whereas the people who control Romney seem to care only for the rich and powerful.

I have a nearly opposite view of the two sides.

DerekParnell said...

Obama seems to be well informed, intelligent, genuine, and tolerant, whereas Romney appears to be ill informed, simple, insincere, and intolerant.

Again, I think you have their names mixed up.

DerekParnell said...

In Australia, we do not have fixed term lengths or a maximum number of consecutive terms. Mostly we have 10-15 years of a conservative government, until the people get compassionate again then we have 10-15 years of a liberal government, until people get greedy again.

I guess this makes sense if you measure compassion by how much of other people's money you spend on other people. Of course, here in the states, both parties like to do a lot of that, which is a big part of our problem. Sadly, many don't figure out that the periods of "greed" create more prosperity than the times of "compassion."

DerekParnell said...

This cycle has been pretty consistent since we became independent from Great Britain in 1901. Which, by the way, was done peacefully, and we have yet to have a civil war.

You're not completely independent, of course. And 1776 was a very different time than 1901. Fortunately, you didn't have the old baggage of slavery to take care of like we did. Fortunately, we did take care of it.


Forked into: OT: Australia

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