Re: Tasks - communication

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jimcbrown said...
EUWX said...

1. I am presuming you all are thinking of ditching Watcom, perhaps to be replace by MinGw/GCC.

Not sure what that has to do with this thread.

I am sure Euphoria is able to do 1 + 1 = 2 OR
desirable_compiler = (need_for_Tasks_communication & using_D) - watcom_compiler

jimcbrown said...
EUWX said...

I am presuming that you understand that it is axiomatic to replace Watcom with another C compiler

No. Why is this the case?

Considering that the subject of ditching Watcom has been bandied about for a year, and already some effort has been put, into MinGW as compiler;
considering that a whole thread has been started to vote for ditching Watcom;
considering that you yourself seconded the idea of "D Programming Language's approach" being very good
One cannot escape the logical conclusion that "D Programming Language" would be the correct direction to take.
Sometimes it pays to apply computer logic to day-to-day decision making.

So the only unsolved questions about which we remain in disagreement
1. Voting for ditching Watcom is not ended;
2. You think "D Programming Language" is vastly different from C, and I don't.

jimcbrown said...
EUWX said...

I am also aware of your statement regarding your liking the "D Programming Language's approach" towards "Tasks - communication" which I am sure is the title of this thread.

You presume incorrectly. I am not a fan of the D programming language, nor do I particularly like it. If my personal preference was the only factor involved, D would never be part of Eu.

I never made that statement.

You are technically right in saying "I never made that statement."
However, you seconded DerekParnell's statment which reads - see 8. Re: Tasks - communication
"I like the D Programming Language's approach to this, namely that all data is assumed to be shared between tasks unless explicitly said otherwise." You seconded this statement. My understanding of the action of a seconder is that he does not repaet the words of a motion, but his seconding of the motion implies that he FULLY AGREES with the motion.
Much as you would like to confuse between "D Programming Language's approach" and "D Programming Language", I am quite comfortable that "approach" has become tantamount to adopting the language IF the difference (as I believe) is not big, and IF YOU ARE ditching Watcom for another compiler.

So as I see it, you are wrong in believing that
1. this thread is not pointing to my conclusion;
2. A separate thread is required.
Once a decision has been made to ditch Watcom, YOU could start a thread to decide which of the several compilers are suitable, and at that time I hope you will remember the motion you seconded in this thread.

You are an admin or mod here, I am simple programmer with only 30 years experience.

Forked into: D and euphoria

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