Re: Date/Time conversions

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Hi cp,

There are probably easier ways (and there are a few time routines in the archive). But I went ahead and wrapped your desired function. Here's the example code:

include std/dll.e 
include std/win32/msgbox.e 
include std/machine.e 
  gtKernel32 = open_dll("kernel32.dll"), 
  systemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime = define_c_func(gtKernel32, "SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime", {C_POINTER,C_POINTER,C_POINTER}, C_BOOL) 
atom sizeOf_SystemTime =  
   2 --WORD wYear; 
  +2 --WORD wMonth; 
  +2 --WORD wDayOfWeek; 
  +2 --WORD wDay; 
  +2 --WORD wHour; 
  +2 --WORD wMinute; 
  +2 --WORD wSecond; 
  +2 --WORD wMilliseconds; 
-- These are pointers to SYSTEMTIME structures 
atom systemTimeInPtr = allocate(sizeOf_SystemTime) -- UTC time to be converted 
atom systemTimeOutPtr = allocate(sizeOf_SystemTime) -- GMT time resulting 
-- Populate SYSTEMTIME structure 
procedure populateSystemTime(atom systemTimePtr, sequence date) 
  -- systemTimePtr: pointer to allocated memory 
  -- date: {YYYY,MM,DD,HH,MM,SS} 
  poke2(systemTimePtr   ,date[1]) -- Year 
  poke2(systemTimePtr+2 ,date[2]) -- Month 
  poke2(systemTimePtr+4 ,0      ) -- Day of week 
  poke2(systemTimePtr+6 ,date[3]) -- Day 
  poke2(systemTimePtr+8 ,date[4]) -- Hour 
  poke2(systemTimePtr+10,date[5]) -- Minute 
  poke2(systemTimePtr+12,date[6]) -- Second 
  poke2(systemTimePtr+14,0      ) -- Milisecond 
end procedure 
-- Parse the time from a SYSTEMTIME structure 
function getSystemTime(atom systemTimePtr) 
  return { 
     peek2s(systemTimePtr   ) -- Year 
    ,peek2s(systemTimePtr+2 ) -- Month 
    ,peek2s(systemTimePtr+6 ) -- Day 
    ,peek2s(systemTimePtr+8 ) -- Hour 
    ,peek2s(systemTimePtr+10 ) -- Minute 
    ,peek2s(systemTimePtr+12 ) -- Second 
end function 
sequence gmt0time = {2012,03,25,23,30,00} 
-- Put inside SYSTEMTIME, our current time 
populateSystemTime(systemTimeInPtr, gmt0time) -- This is UTC (GMT 0) time 
-- Do the conversion, NULL as the first parameter uses current active time zone (in my case, GMT-3) 
if c_func(systemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime,{NULL,systemTimeInPtr,systemTimeOutPtr}) = 0 then 
    puts(1,"Error calling SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime") 
end if 
-- Print the converted system time 
-- In my machine (GMT-3) this prints {2012,3,25,20,30,0} -- Which is correct, 3 hours less than UTC 
-- Free used pointers 

WORDs are 16-bit (2 bytes) in memory.

Cheers, Guillermo

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