Re: Nokia n900 and Euphoria

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Jerome said...

Sorry, you are right! I didn't double check to make sure all the text went into the Pastey... Ok, so I have two new pasteys which should hvae everything: and I re-built in debug mode, and then copied out the symbols table and the blocks of dissasembly that refer to cdecl_call_back, which is now at 0000cfd4.

Heh...well, we got some callbacks in pastey 70. Based on that, 124 looks like the right answer, and it seems to be finding it. I think that the blx instruction is relative, not absolute, however. I don't know much about ARM assembly, but this looks like the relevant part:

    d500:	e59f0020 	ldr	r0, [pc, #32]	; d528 <call_back9+0x7c>  
    d504:	e51b1008 	ldr	r1, [fp, #-8]  
    d508:	e51b200c 	ldr	r2, [fp, #-12]  
    d50c:	e51b3010 	ldr	r3, [fp, #-16]  
    d510:	e12fff3c 	blx	ip  
    d514:	e1a03000 	mov	r3, r0  
    d518:	e1a00003 	mov	r0, r3  
    d51c:	e24bd004 	sub	sp, fp, #4	; 0x4  
    d520:	e8bd8800 	pop	{fp, pc}  
    d524:	00000000 	.word	0x00000000  
    d528:	12345678 	.word	0x12345678 
So, rather than putting in the absolute address, I think we need to have a relative address. We were using a similar thing with 64-bit code, though for various reasons, made this use an absolute address. We might want to do something similar here.


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