Re: foreach

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DerekParnell said...
jeremy said...

While we are talking about foreach, maybe we should just hash it out? I am not sure of syntax issues, the foreach given by ryan is pretty standard?

A development forum would nice at this point smile

I wouldn't call most of the below "issues", but obviously expected stuff. This is why I was confused by the mention of syntax issues.


DerekParnell said...

One issue is whether the loop variable can be assigned to. In the current for loop, one cannot assign to the loop variable, but that restriction might not be appropriate in a foreach.

foreach x in s do 
    if x > n then 
       x /= 2 
    end if 
end for 

ought to be equivalent to

for x = 1 to length(s) do 
    if s[x] > n then 
       s[x] /= 2 
    end if 
end for 

Since x is not an index variable, it doesn't need to be read only. Why mixing things up?

DerekParnell said...

Another issue is whether we can also get the current index value inside the loop.

foreach x[i] in s do 
    if i > 1 then 
      if x > s[i-1] then 
       x /= 2 
      end if 
    end if 
end for 

I think I'd find

foreach x in s index i do 

clearer, but wouldn't mind. The index clause woould be optional, and the foreach loop index would be read only.

DerekParnell said...

Yet another issue is whether we can do parallel processing on a set of sequences.

foreach x in s, y in t do 
  if x > y then 
     x = y 
  end if 
end for 

I would say yes, but what happens when s and t have different lengths? I would quit whenever any parallelly processed sequence is exhausted. Also, the extra comma is not usual in Eu, can be removed.

DerekParnell said...

Yet another issue is whether we can process the sequence in reverse order.

foreach x in reversed s do 
  if find(x, " \t\r\n") = 0 then 
  end if 
  x = ' ' 
end for 

Why not?

DerekParnell said...

Yet another issue is what happens when the length of the sequence changes within the loop?

foreach x in s do 
  if x > 1 then 
     s = func(s) 
  end if 
end for 

This is the only item I'd consider an issue.

My understanding would be this: foreach dumbly traverses the sequence, one element after the previous/next, and quits when no more is found. This behaviour is, I think, the only one we can implement efficiently, and it may be the desired thing in some cases. It won't be always so, but then why not use a while loop? I assume these will be uncommon enough cases.

Dynamic s-es will be handled much more efficiently than having to test always for valid indexes - the interpreter does it anyway, so that's duplicated code.

DerekParnell said...

And I'm sure there are still a few other corner cases worthy of consideration.

Even though I'd definitel use foreach it it was there, it can wait past 4.0 alpha, as it does not modify current code. Except for variables/routines currently named "foreach", of course.

Actually, there is another issue which could be raised, and which is common to for loops: should the scope for the index variable be extended? And should the object variable in the foreach construct be scoped inside the foreach loop proper? But this is a connected issue for another thread.


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