1. Resize Routine

To Einar Mogen..

        Here's the resize routine..
        I posted it on the list-serv cause it is small and other poeple might
also find this usefull...

        I isn't like a normal resizer:
        Look at this example:

        We have 9 lines and want to resize to 3..

        line    <->   normal return       <-> this routine returns
          1st           1st                     --
          2nd           --                      1st
          3rd           --                      --
          4th           2nd                     --
          5th           --                      2nd
          6th           --                      --
          7th           3rd                     --
          8th           --                      3rd
          9th           --                      --

        See how this routine centers it. (Looks a lot nicer)

Here is the routine:
-- Warning!! This isn't totally speed optimized..
-- If you need to this is real time, use look-up-tables!!

    global function resize (sequence image, sequence newdim )
    sequence ret
    atom yi, xi, stepx, stepy, beginx
        stepx = length(image[1]) / newdim[1]
        stepy = length(image) / newdim[2]
        beginx = 1 + ((length(image[1]) - ((stepx *
        ret = repeat ( repeat ( 0 , newdim[1] ) , newdim[2] )
        yi = 1 + ((length(image) - ((stepy * (newdim[2]-1))+1))/2)
        for y = 1 to length(ret) do
            xi = beginx
            for x = 1 to length(ret[1]) do
                ret[y][x] = image[yi][xi]
                xi = xi + stepx
            end for
            yi = yi + stepy
        end for
    return ret
    end function

-- This routine will crash if you give an image sequence with different
-- length images ( i.e.   {  {1,1,1} , {1} , {1,1,1,1,1} } )
-- But none of the normal Euphoria routine will create such a sequence.

Ralf Nieuwenhuijsen
nieuwen at xs4all.nl

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