1. Mostly for David Cuny and SonicGreen

[Attn: David Cuny]

        I started working on a business package back around version 1.4, but =
got unmotivated at having to create a GUI (where was Irv when I needed =
him? :)) Then I decided to try again in Java, but the "Next" button has =
decided it only likes odd number.  Now I'm trying (and will eventually =
complete) it using Win32Lib.  But due to its Type A personality (known =
elsewhere as Alpha version), it's not going anywhere.  The two big =
problems:  I'd really like cascading menus (not so important), and I =
need to use lots of dialog boxes (very important).  I'm assuming dialog =
boxes are included in the "multiple windows" definition, so I'm putting =
in my request for priorities -- pretty please with sugar on top, and a =
cherry -- two cherries?

        In the meantime, I'm looking at hooking into tk80.dll from SunScript.  =
Does anyone have any suggestions or hints as to how to do this.  I've =
already downloaded the source code from their site (about 4 megs =
compressed).  Most function calls are fairly straightforward, but they =
use a lot of self-defined structures that use pointers to functions.  =
I'm not quite sure how to address that in my pokes.

[ATTN: SonicGreen]

        Interesting mail name smile  In your pleas for help, you neglected two =
vital elements -- details and patience.  We'd be happy to help, but =
please be more specific.

Michael J. Sabal
mjs at osa.att.ne.jp

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2. Re: Mostly for David Cuny and SonicGreen

Michael Sabal wrote:

> I'd really like cascading menus (not so important)

They are probably a couple of months away - not that high on my list. I
started working with menu dimming and the like, but got stuck.

> I need to use lots of dialog boxes (very important)

The good news is that I've been told multiple windows work. I spent some
time restructuring the internal data structures to be "multiple window
aware"; the two problems I was experiencing were:

1. Destroying windows would zap the resources associated with them, such as
menus. There is now an option to *hide* the window, so that's not a problem.

2. When Win32Lib was closed, there was still a task running in the
background. I think this has finally been fixed - there was a problem with
how I was closing the windows.

Bug me on Wednesday and I'll try to take a look again. I've been pouring all
my effort into WinMan; I hope to release a demo on Tuesday. After that, I'll
try to take care of all the other stuff I've been neglecting. smile

I think you will also need to pass a modal window parameter to the dialog.
But it's not that difficult.

> In the meantime, I'm looking at hooking into tk80.dll from SunScript.

I've also got the source. Good luck - I'd love to see it done. The problem,
as far as I could understand it, was setting callbacks to Euphoria, so
Euphoria code would execute on a Tk event. You *do* have access to a single
callback address in EXW - but I couldn't figure out how to set the hook,
among the many other details.

-- David Cuny

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