1. Win32 tutor, part 2.

Win32 tutorial part 2

Before I start talking about the controls available in Win32Lib.ew, I'll
answer a question by Noah Smith. He asked what stuff he should have to
begin Win programming. Well, the Win32Lib.zip file contains the .ew inclu=
file, a .doc file and 15 example programs. This is the core around which =
will be building this tutorial. I think it is a good start to study these=

example programs, and also the demo programs in the Euphoria\Demo\Win32

Try to understand what these programs do, try putting in your own routine=
and see how (and if) they work. Print out David Cuny's Win32Lib.doc file,=

read it every evening before you go to bed, skipping the parts you don't
understand at the first attempt, reread it and again try to write your ow=
If you want to see a really nice example of what can be done with the
current version of Win32Lib, look at the Store Manager program by Michael=

Sabal. At the moment, version 0.2 is available for downloading. I was als=
quite impressed with the calendar program by DaJaRo, but mr. Cuny has
pointed out that some routines need to be rewritten, because of 'memory
Later on, you can look in the Euphoria archives, or in the recent
contributions, for other programs using Euphoria for Windhoos. (Sorry to
all those that contributed, I'm not naming you here personally; if I
mention no one, no one can be offended because I forgot him or her)
Oh, and if you are really serious about it, of course there is the book b=
Charles Petzold: "Programming Windows 95",(1996), Redmont: Microsoft Pres=
- although I never read it, this must be the 'Bible' for Windows
programmers. Unfortunately, I think you should have a working knowledge o=
C and C++ to really be able to work with this book. The same is true for
most of the books written on Windows Programming.

This ends this post for today. I'm too tired now, the part on controls wi=
follow tomorrow.

If you have any questions, please email me, Ad_Rienks at compuserve.com

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2. Re: Win32 tutor, part 2.

>Oh, and if you are really serious about it, of course there is the book by
>Charles Petzold: "Programming Windows 95",(1996), Redmont: Microsoft Press
>- although I never read it, this must be the 'Bible' for Windows
>programmers. Unfortunately, I think you should have a working knowledge of
>C and C++ to really be able to work with this book. The same is true for
>most of the books written on Windows Programming.

It actually uses Microsoft Visual C (which I do not have, I have DJGPP). It
didn't make mention of this outside the cover, so I hoped it was a
language-independant book about introductory programming in Windows95. I
purchased it at a discount of $14 Canadian (the actual price is $67.95
Canadian). I found it to be a disappointment because it seemed like the
author was rushing through to get to the programming without explaining
about the Windows architecture. It's pointless to teach programming in
Windows if you do not understand all of the terminology involved. For
example, what is a two-byte or four-byte boundary? I know what a byte is,
but what is a boundary?

I also saw the hellowin program it used. All that code just to generate a
simple window like that. No wonder I was put off learning about Windows
programming...at least until David Cuny's work came along.

What is required is a tutorial that is language independant, so that we
understand the why of the programming and not just how. If you do not
understand why, you'll just be copying code without understanding what it
does to get what you want.

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